e-Path e-Pathis our
secure credit card authorisation gateway
How does e-Path work?:
    • Your card details will still be taken utilising full strength Thawte SSL to protect the connection between you and e-Path

    • Once e-Path has your details, it uses ultimate strength 2048bit encryption to temporarily hold them until they are passed to us. That is a level of encryption that is twice that offered by any Australian banks! (as at Feb 08)

    • Unlike with other gateways, your private and personal credit card details are NOT permanently stored on the internet with e-Path. There are no card numbers, no names, no expiry dates, nothing is permanently stored by e-Path.

    • Your card is NOT actually charged until we fill your order. Unlike other payment gateways, e-Path is not a "real time" or "live" payment gateway

    • e-Path utilises the Payment Card Industry Data Security Council approved and compliant ScanAlert™ PCI DSS (Payment Card Industry Data Security Standards) program. ScanAlert™ is a PCI Approved Scanning Vendor (ASV). ScanAlert™ is best known for their HACKER SAFE trustmark and is a world leading provider of webserver security services including card vendor PCI (Payment Card Industry) compliance services.

For the curious, in addition to the THAWTE SSL encryption, e-Path utilizes 2,048 bit Aysemmetric Cryptography to further protect data. This is what a credit card looks like when encrypted …..

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It is our understanding that e-Path is one of only four manual credit card payment gateways in the world today, that deploys individual asymmetric cryptography (encryption) security, and that does not permanently store credit card or transaction data on its servers, and that met the stringent requirements of the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standards (PCI DSS).

E-Path is not a credit card processor, it does not perform internet based credit card transactions into any merchant account. E-Path is a manual system where merchants perform credit card transactions into their merchant account facilities themselves. While this does result in a loss of automation there is little argument against the fact that the ability to check things first, represents a much needed extra layer of security that can significantly reduce risks.

E-Path is ideal for small businesses where you don't want the customer charged until you know the order is ready, plus there are no extra transaction fees! The rules for collecting credit card information are very strict. This could be the ideal, and economical solution you need for your website. If you would like to find out more about using e-Path for your own website, contact John

John Carmichael,
PO Box 1171 Bowral NSW 2576
  Phone 02 6552 4188,
Payments should be made to
J&W Carmichael (ABN 48 750 611 700)